2010 East Coast Meet Reflections

club truck
Special Club Show Truck by Glenn Williams

We want to thank everyone who helped make the 2010 East Coast Meet in Springfield such a resounding success! The show attendance was announced at over 24,000 for the two day show, an increase of some 4,000 from last year! The building housing our display area was one of the most heavily trafficked during the two day show.

We'll have photos of models displayed during the show appearing soon in our Photo Galleries. We had quite a variety and quantity of models on display in Springfield. Also appearing publicly for the first time was the very first Route87 compliant vehicle display modules.

We'd like to extend a special public thank you to the following:

Glenn Williams - produced our special run show trucks and was an immense throughout the show
Wayne Calder - proposed the idea of the layout vehicle contest and rounded up all the prizes; extremely well received by the show and the model railroaders. A REALLY big hit with the contest winners!
Andy Madden - took many photos that you'll be seeing soon in the Photo Galleries
Chester Fesmire, Joe Fay, Steve Del Sesto - these guys brought the very first Route87 compliant modules to the show. This is going to be BIG!
Doug Fraser, Steve Del Sesto, and many others - helped with Friday night setup, watching everything during the show, and Sunday teardown.

Lastly, thanks to EVERYONE who participated in the show, displayed models, and attended the show! We met a bunch of new people who had never heard of us or had ever seen any of our modeling up close. Thanks to all of you for making this such a successful show!!